Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Weird and Random Juicer Recipe

I was using my juicer the other day and but when I was all set up to make my juice, I realized I didn't have enough apples. I only had one, and it was not big enough to make a decent cup. My fridge was kind of lacking in produce, as I need to go to the supermarket soon. I could have just gone then, but...well, I'm lazy...and I wanted juice.

Anyway, I went looking in my fridge for anything that might be good to throw in too. I had some raw spinach leaves, so I decided to use that, but that still wasn't enough juice. That was until I found something I had never thought of juicing - a sweet potato.

It was pretty much my only option. So I said what the hell. I came up with this concoction of a recipe:

  • 1 apple
  • 1 sweet potato
  • raw spinach leaves

After I finished, I ended up with an ugly brown liquid. The color of it was very unappealing. However, the taste of it was...interesting. It wasn't bad, yet it was not the best either. I really had no idea what to expect, which is why I don't know how I feel about it, even though it wasn't that bad. It's like I'm second guessing myself for liking this ugly brown juice. If you're daring, try it out too and let me know what you think of it!

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